There is a floor level kitchen cupboard in the monk’s house where I stay — there is a never-ending flow of plastic, cloth, and jute bags into that small space. As bags continued to enter the cupboard during the last year, very few seemed to be coming out. Opening the cupboard was an adventure and a game. Could I put … Read More

One Act of Divine Love
Swami Kriyananda wrote a Christmas Letter to his brother monks in 1957, which he later included in his book Letters to Truthseekers. He felt that the advice in that letter was and is for all truthseekers, not just monks. This excerpt describes the most important element that monks, and all lovers of God, must have in their lives of meditation and … Read More

“Man’s power is limited, but God’s is without limitation”
One day I was greeted at the front door of our India monastery by a strange sight at my feet. What appeared to be an insect was moving very strangely across the ground. As I looked closer it seemed to be a small leaf or seed that had legs! It would move straight ahead for a bit, then turn and … Read More

A Tale of an Ancient Monastery
Once upon a time there was a remote monastery in the desert. The temple was carved out of the stone. There were a dozen simple monks who spent their days in prayer and meditation. One evening they were having dinner in silence as usual. Suddenly the silence was shattered with a cry of agony from the head monk. His eyes … Read More