In late August we had a ceremonial planting of “Triveni.” This is a traditional planting of the three most sacred trees in India: pipal, banyan, and neem. Temples and villages all used to have this planting, where the three trees are grown very close to each other. The three trees represent the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The triveni is next to where our temple will be built. A triveni planting is said to have the power to accelerate the spiritual growth from sadhana performed under the trees.
The banyan seedling which was planted in the Triveni has a unique and blessed history. Last October some of us went on a pilgrimage to Serampore, near Kolkata, with Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi, spiritual directors of Ananda Sangha worldwide. One day we visited Rai Ghat, where there is a banyan tree that features prominently in Autobiography of a Yogi. Mahavatar Babaji miraculously appeared to Sri Yukteswar under that tree — many Ananda pilgrims visit there each year.
We were able to collect some seeds from the falling fruit. The seeds were planted and have given us a few banyan seedlings. One of the banyan seedlings is part of the Triveni, and a first-generation child of the Babaji Banyan Tree.
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